Within Belvedere Village in Castelnuovo del Garda you will be able to benefit from many services during your holiday.
Explore them all!
Car parking at each apartment
Wi-Fi in reception and restaurant areas
City bike rental for both men and women (also with child seat)
Coin washing machine and dryer
Ticket office service for amusement parks with discounted admission to Gardaland, Parco Sigurtà, Parco Natura Viva, Movieland, Medieval Times and Caneva.
Bar with terrace overlooking the large swimming pool open every day from 7:30 am to 10 pm
3 pools at your disposal
Beach volleyball court
Restaurant and pizzeria
Animation service, also in German and English during high season
Rental service for cots and high chairs (4€ per piece, per night)
Hotel service: daily cleaning of the apartment (on request, kitchen exluded)